Tavoitimme Benjamin Wolverines leirillä helmikuussa, jossa ehdimme vaihtamaan kuulumisia.
Q 1: Who is Benjamin?
I’m a humble and social guy from Sweden with roots from Nigeria and USA. People would describe me as energetic, ambitious and overly-positive with a bright smile all the time. I’m super-friendly ”Mr. Nice guy” off the field, but a wrecking train of dominance and pain on the field. You’d better be on my team when the whistle goes. When I’m not playing the game of my life, I work as a business development manager. Fits me like a charm and I really enjoy my position. I’m a globetrotter and like international relations, so I’m very excited to be a part of Wolverines this year.
Q 2 : What kind a impact will you bring to wolverines?
I bring a lot of football experience to the team. Six years of football in USA, from top ranked JUCO football to top ranked NAIA. Before and after the States I’ve played at the highest level in Sweden. The last seasons I’ve experienced Vaahteraliiga with the Crocodiles, and just recently I won a Student Championship (and perfect season) with an indoor football team in Sweden, Uppsala Snake Heads. More specifically I’d say that I’m a versatile threat. Great size at 125kgs but with explosiveness and speed, so 1-on-1 situations will be tough for the opponents. Same frame and characteristics as DL Aaron Donald I’d say if I would compare myself to an NFL player. I can work anywhere at the line of scrimmage, just snap the ball and give me the opportunity. With my experience and personality, I hope to develop, stimulate and encourage my fellow peers to become better football players as well, and together a better team. Team building and a strong feeling of companionship is important to me, and if we do the little things right from scratch, it’s not impossible for us to be the best team in Finland.
Q 3 : What you want say to the fans?
At last, I want to say that I’m very excited about this season with the Wolverines! I believe that the fans should be just as excited for this season too because I’m confident that this will be a great year for the team and for the fans. It’s a new opportunity in a new league and the team has added some great new talents too. It will also be very interesting to play against my old team Seinäjoki Crocodiles!
Kari Titola Benjamin sopimuksesta.
-Hienoa saada Benjamin mukaan joukkueeseemme. Hän on erittäin urheilullinen puolustuksen linjamies, joka on pelannut myös hyökkäyksen puolella palloa. Mies on myös todella motivoitunut pelaaja kun jaksaa pääosin reissata täällä Tukholmasta käsin.
Wolverines tiedotus.
Helsinki Wolverinesin kausikortit kaudelle 2019 ovat saapuneet painosta
Kausikortti pitää sisällään sekä Naisten Vaahteraliigan että Miesten Vaahteraliigan kaikki kotiottelut (sisältää myös Playoffs ottelut) upealla Brahenkentällä Helsingin Kalliossa!
Yksittäisten otteluiden lippujen hinnat:
Miesten kotiottelut 10 eur (mahdollinen playoffs peli 20 eur)
Naisten kotiottelut 5 eur (mahdollinen playoffs peli 10 eur)
Kortin voi noutaa kaikista Helsinki Wolverinesin Miesten Vaahteraliigan ja Naisten Vaahteraliigan kotiotteluista portilta.
Varmista istuinpaikkasi hyvissä ajoin kaudelle 2019 lunastamalla omasi maksamalla 50 eur Helsinki Wolverinesin tilille FI20 1555 3000 1183 24 ja viestiksi kausikorttiin haluamasi käyttäjän etu- ja sukunimi.
Helsinki Wolverines
Niko Viik
Marko Tuominiemi